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Basic Disaster Awareness
Project Guidebook
Preparing for Disaster
Information Cards, Pain and Communication Charts
Opinions and Suggestions
Disaster Awareness for Visually Impaired People
Basic Disaster Awareness
Audio Book- Flood Preparations for Visually Impaired
Audio Book- Flood Preparations for Visually Impaired
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◄ Flood Preparedness for the Visually Impaired(yellow-black)
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Project Guidebook-1
Project Guidebook-2
Audio Book - Preparing for Disaster
Making Escape Plan for Visually Impaired People
Family Emergency Plan and Making Support Network
Making Emergency Bag for Visually Impaired People
Earthquake Preparedness for the Visually Impaired-sub-text
Earthquake Preparedness for the Visually Impaired(yellow-black)
Audio Book - Earthquake Preparations for Visually Impaired
Earthquake Hazar Hunt for the Visually Impaired Part 1
Earthquake Hazar Hunt for the Visually Impaired Part 2
Earthquake Hazar Hunt for the Visually Impaired Part 3
Earthquake Hazar Hunt for the Visually Impaired Part 4
What Not to Do During an Earthquake for the Visually Impaired
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During an Earthquake – Drop, Cover, Hold On
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During an Earthquake - Part 1
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During an Earthquake - Part 2
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During an Earthquake - Part 3
It's your turn
Fire Preparedness for the Visually Impaired-sub-text
Fire Preparedness for the Visually Impaired(yellow-black)
Audio Book - Fire Preparations for Visually Impaired
Intervening Small Fires for the Visually Impaired
Intervening Kitchen Fires for the Visually Impaired
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Fire - Part 1
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Fire - Part 2
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Fire - Part 3
Fire Evacuation Method for the Visually Impaired
Flood Preparedness for the Visually Impaired-sub-text
Flood Preparedness for the Visually Impaired(yellow-black)
Pre-Flood Precautions for the Visually Impaired
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Flood - Part 1
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Flood - Part 2
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Flood - Part 3
Proper Course of Action for the Visually Impaired During Flood - Part 4
Evacuation for the Visually Impaired after a Disaster
Information Card
Pain Chart
Communication Chart
It's Your Turn
Pre-Flood Precautions for the Visually Impaired ►