Konu özeti

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    The aim of this online training program is to provide physically disabled individuals with the information and awareness to determine the proper course of action before, during and after a disaster. This free-to-use training program includes training videos, training booklets, audiobooks, information cards and charts for 3 types of disasters, including earthquakes, fires and floods. The training program lasts a total of 3 hours.

    At the end of the training program, you will be able to;

    • Have general information about disasters,
    • Tell people about your needs and wants with the help of the information and communication cards and pain charts,
    • Explain the measures to be taken in cases of fire, earthquake and flood,
    • Know how to safely evacuate the hazardous area in case of fire, earthquake and flood, and
    • Take the necessary precautions for objects that might pose a hazard during a disaster indoors and outdoors.

    Method of Study

    You can start this training program with the disaster preparedness booklet that we have prepared to raise awareness against disasters. You can listen to the training booklet if you like, or download it to your computer to read it. This will give you an overview of disasters.

    To obtain information about what should be done in case of an emergency or disaster and afterwards, we recommend that you read the separately prepared digital training materials for the three types of disasters, including earthquakes, fires and floods. Then watch the videos under each type of disaster, respectively, to assess sample events with friends and family around you. You can practise the proper actions during an emergency or disaster, in settings where you will not harm yourself. Thus, the information you acquired will be consolidated, ensuring more permanent learning.

    Activities to Do

    • Watch the videos of pre-disaster actions to see how prepared you and your surroundings are against disasters.
    • Watch the video on creating an evacuation plan and make an evacuation plan for your home with family members or by yourself.
    • Make your own emergency and disaster bag by watching the disaster bag preparation video.
    • Watch the disaster plan video and inform people around you about what needs to be done before a disaster.
    • Make sure you fill out the information cards in the training program and put them in your disaster and emergency bag.
    • Przygotowanie do katastrofy

      Click on the links below to find pdf with general information on disaster preparedness.


      In this section you'll learn what should be done before, during and after an earthquake. Please follow the steps below.

    • POŻARU

      In this section you'll learn what should be done before, during and after an fire. Please follow the steps below.


      In this section you'll learn what should be done before, during and after a flood. Please follow the steps below.